I just bought this very cool bracelet! I had to go and get my nails done in order to show it off!! It's very shiny and I bought from a Monastiraki stand for only 1 euro! Can you believe it? Isn't it sooooo pretty? Style me up!
Long time no post.. But I have something great for you! I took my boyfriend's checkers shirt and I created this very stylish handbag! Isn't great?? I completed the look with my brown leather shorts ( which make me look thinner) and my grandmother's vintage flower print blouse! My boyfriend was very pleased and my next project is a handbag out of his socks!! Style me up!
So many clothes, so little time. Why not mix them up a little? Here I wear my super 80s jean cut-offs with black and white tights ( my invention- I'm so smart!), and my leather Knight Rider Jacket. Combined with my I Love Paris tshirt, I think all eyes will be on me today :D Style me up!
Hi girls! I know you love nails! I do too. Ever since I saw Nosferatou on TV, I wanted to grow my nails long. So see what I did. I created a all day long look, using black and pink nail polish! I think I look yummy! Style me up!
Hey girls and boys! Today it was quite cold here in London and I decided to mix some of my summer clothes with some of my winter clothes! So I decided to wear my boyfriend's EROS Boxeraki with ZARA top and an very stylish beige coat ( vintage granny). I spiced things up with an original golden Swatch watch. I think I look very hot for such a cold weather! Style me up!
My mom gave me these vintage Elite shoes!! I couldn't believe my luck when I found them. They make my feet look yummy. And you know felos always stays on the surface! Style me up!
I couldn't resist! I 'm in <3 and I have to show off my stylish boyfriend! He's wearing H&M tshirt ( which shows off his abs!), a pair of G&D ( like D&G , only better), LaIki socks with Mitsuko sandals! He's soooooooo HOT, don't you think? Style me up!
It's Autumn. Just got back from Dubai where my boyfriend lives now and I didn't have time to update.
I just got together this Perfect outfit for this season.
H&M shorts, Laiki Top combined with an Achileas Accesorries heart.
Like the heart I left with my boyfriend back in Dubai, bye my baby, bye.
Style me up!
Sorry for being away for so long, but I was visiting my boyfriend in LA. And look what I found! These great -grandma-looking lace shoes! The do fit so right! Like the semedaki on our table :) Style me up!